Visit DOCJT in New Virtual Training Video


The Department of Criminal Justice Training (DOCJT) prides itself on exceptional training provided in state-of-the-art facilities. From the dual-loop driving track and expansive physical training space to inclusive dormitories and modern classrooms, DOCJT ensures that recruits and students attending the academy have the tools they need to thrive in their careers.

For more than 50 years, DOCJT has been devoted to providing a training environment where, alongside the skills and knowledge needed to police the commonwealth, officers and students are engaged in training that values all people, strengthens character and builds community. DOCJT is committed to providing officers with tactical best practices, the latest technology training and legal information to protect the diverse communities they serve. All training curriculum is designed to prepare officers for real-life scenarios and is vetted by the Kentucky Law Enforcement Council.

Click the button below to get an inside look at DOCJT’s training facilities.