The Department of Criminal Justice Training Internship Program is designed to provide training and experiential learning opportunities to college students who are interested in learning about careers offered by DOCJT that include but are not limited to:

Communication Fields - Public Relations/Journalism

Distance Learning - Instructional Design

Human Resources

Information Systems

Law Enforcement

Legal Services

Related Criminal Justice fields


DOCJT Internship Program Guidelines:

  • Students participating in the DOCJT internship program are unpaid and considered volunteers.

  • In good standing with the school with at least a 2.5 grade point average (GPA) at the time of placement.

  • Enrolled at an accredited post-secondary school. Please note, interns are expected to complete the internship on-site, at our Richmond, KY campus.

  • Any individual who is currently enrolled as a junior or above in an undergraduate program or enrolled in a graduate degree program at an accredited college or university may apply for admission into the DOCJT Internship Program.

  • Approved interns will be scheduled to work in accordance with university or college internship program requirements for a maximum of 20 hours per week with no weekend assignments unless an exception is approved by the commissioner or designee.

  • Student interns will be evaluated by assigned staff in accordance with their educational institution requirements.

  • Intern students must comply with all agency rules, regulations, policies, and safety rules.

  • Intern students are required to complete a DOCJT Internship Program Application.

  • Interested students must submit an unofficial copy of their transcript to the Intern Program Coordinator.

Submit completed forms and direct any questions to